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HomeCode of Conduct

IHLRN Code of Conduct

IHLRN is committed to being a culture of caring for each other.  We respect the fundamental rights, dignity and worth of each person. Our commitment is to create a safe and nurturing environment, free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive or disruptive at our conferences.  Conference participants will respect each individual’s privacy, confidentiality, self-determination and autonomy. You are encouraged to be your own choice maker during the IHLRN conference as Virginia Satir recommended.

When you register for any IHLRN event, you will be required to agree to support and follow IHLRN’s Code of Conduct.

Sometimes it may be difficult to recognize if a person is feeling her or his rights are being disrespected in some way.
If you experience an incident that is upsetting to you and would like to discuss it with someone please do so.   

IHLRN follows a standard procedure for handling complaints.
Click the following link to read this procedure  IHLRN Complaint Handling Procedure